Busselton-Dunsborough Mail

Schools back club’s roads clean-up plan

Updated February 24 2015 - 10:05am, first published February 19 2015 - 7:01pm
Test run: Rotary club president Bob Greig visited Wilson Park Primary School on Tuesday to promote the forthcoming roads clean up days. Skye
Washer (left), Amelia Hart-Ashley and Tyler Abraham put new litter pick-up sticks to the test. The sticks will be used by volunteers in the clean-up days
which start on the March 28 and 29 weekend.
Test run: Rotary club president Bob Greig visited Wilson Park Primary School on Tuesday to promote the forthcoming roads clean up days. Skye Washer (left), Amelia Hart-Ashley and Tyler Abraham put new litter pick-up sticks to the test. The sticks will be used by volunteers in the clean-up days which start on the March 28 and 29 weekend.

COLLIE’S primary schools have given their support to the Rotary Club of Collie's Clean Up Our Roads Campaign.