Busselton-Dunsborough Mail

All new recipes from Hetty McKinnon's Community

Karen Hardy
November 5 2019 - 12:00am

Since Community's first release in 2014 Hetty McKinnon has found it remarkable how much the book has resonated with people, both older and young, from the city and the country; from all corners of Australia - and even the world. Community has slowly taken on a life of its own, inspiring home cooks to live up the title of the book with zeal. Cooking salads together and sharing recipes has become a delicious pastime embraced by so many.

Karen Hardy

Karen Hardy

Canberra Times lifestyle reporter

I've covered a few things here at The Canberra Times over the years, from sport to education. But now I get to write about the fun stuff - where to eat, what to do, places to go, people to see. Let me know about your favourite things. Email: karen.hardy@canberratimes.com.au